October 24, 2024

Looking at the Differences Between Indoor Dry Saunas and Steam Saunas

Saunas are becoming increasingly popular these days. While they were once limited to specific cultures and elite members of society, they’re now available to everyone. Some people enjoy saunas for the sheer mental and emotional benefits alone whereas others use them to help with various health issues. Either way, they can be extremely cathartic. No matter your reasons for considering a sauna, it’s important to understand how they work before diving in. Several types are available, and not all of them function in the same way.

Steam Saunas

When people think of saunas, they often envision those that use steam. These saunas are believed to have originated in Turkey thousands of years ago. They use heat sources combined with moisture to release steam into the air. In many cases, the heat source is heated stones. Water is then poured over the stones to generate steam. Steam combined with heat can provide a range of benefits from cleansing the pores to alleviating pain. Those are only a couple of the potential advantages of using steam saunas.

Dry Saunas

As opposed to steam saunas, dry saunas use operates without the aid of moisture and steam. They get their heat from internal heaters and use the insulation of their walls to help keep in the heat. Their walls also absorb heat and reflect it back into the room. For the most part, indoor dry saunas provide a steadier supply of heat. They also make for a less extreme experience than steam saunas. They don’t enshroud users in fog, either. Many people prefer being able to see their surroundings rather than being enveloped in a constant cloud.

Which Is Better?

When it comes to determining which type of sauna is best, users’ preferences are the main point to consider. Those who don’t want to battle fog tend to prefer dry saunas. These are also the better option for people who want a steadier, less intense heat than steam saunas generate. Many find that dry heat is much more pleasant and comfortable than the heat emitted in steam saunas.

Users can generally stay in dry saunas for much longer than they would in steam rooms, too. That makes them the perfect solution for people who want to lounge in their saunas and relax for a bit. On the other hand, steam saunas are better for quick, intensive experiences. They’re often recommended for areas with relatively cool, dry climates where people crave relaxing humidity from time to time.

Enjoying the Perfect Sauna Experience

Numerous types of saunas are on the market right now from fully customized steam rooms to inflatable personal versions. At the same time, they come in steam and dry varieties. Steam saunas generate a high-intensity fog whereas dry saunas give off a clear, relaxing heat. Both have their benefits and can provide extremely therapeutic experiences. Consider which type of heat you prefer and whether you’re looking for short, intense sessions or drawn-out relaxation to help you choose the best type of sauna for your needs.