October 23, 2024

Was Your Oil Tank Properly Abandoned?

Did your home originally rely on an external oil tank for heat? Whether you’ve stopped using the oil tank or people who lived in the home before you did, you want to ensure that the tank has been properly abandoned. Not handling the abandonment of the tank in the right way could be a potential threat to you and the environment. Here is how you can ensure it was abandoned correctly.

Is the Piping Disconnected?

One of the ways to check that the oil tank has been abandoned is that you won’t see piping from the outside tank to the inside of the home. If you see that the piping is still connected to your home’s heating system, you’ll want to call for assistance to find out what is going on. You might find that you are still hooked to the oil tank, which could be problematic.

Has the Tank Been Cleaned Out?

When a company does an oil tank abandonment Westchester County NY, they drain the oil and sludge and clean it out until nothing remains. They do this because tanks corrode over time, which can cause leaks into the environment. These leaks are a big deal because they can contaminate your water supply and kill local wildlife. Furthermore, if the leak is bad enough, the fumes from the leak could make you and your neighbors feel sick.

After the abandonment company cleans the tank out, they will also fill it with sand or foam. The sand and foam keep the tank stable and prevent further rust and corrosion of the tank.

Was the Breather Tube Removed?

The breather tube and fill pipes on abandoned tanks must be cut off below the ground and sealed with concrete. Blocking the tubes prevents water and animals from getting into the tank after it has been abandoned. If you find that the tubes are still well above the ground and aren’t completely blocked, then chances are that the abandonment of your tank wasn’t done correctly.

Did It Get Checked for Leaks?

Many homeowners try to abandon their oil tanks by themselves, but they aren’t legally allowed to because the oil and sludge are considered hazardous materials. A certified and trained professional needs to come out and inspect the tank to ensure that the tank has been cleaned adequately and isn’t leaking. They’ll also excavate some of the ground immediately around the tank to check for deeper leaks. If anything is found, then the cleanup would immediately begin.